Libre 3 app had no Libreview Account

With root access:

If you have root access connect your phone to your computer and type

adb shell su -c grep PREF_UNIQUE_ID /data/data/

Where you replace nl with the language code of the Libre3 app you are using. This will return something like:

<string name="PREF_UNIQUE_ID">2fe33cb2-3ca4-4a44-9fea-13c24fddf487</string>

When you later add an account, this doesn't need to be the same as your libreview account id. You can find it when making use of the libreview webinterface. It is displayed in the url after reports. For example

From 2fe33cb2-3ca4-4a44-9fea-13c24fddf487, you can get the account id with the following java program:

public class conv {
static  private final int h(String str) {
        int length = str.length();
        int i2 = 0;
        int i3 = 0;
        while (i2 < length) {
            char charAt = str.charAt(i2);
            int i4 = i3 * (-2128831035);
            i3 = i4 ^ charAt;
        return i3;
static  private final String uns(String str) {
    return Integer.toUnsignedString(h(str));
public static void main(String[] args) {

Put it in, build it with


run it with

java conv 2fe33cb2-3ca4-4a44-9fea-13c24fddf487

Where you replace 2fe33cb2-3ca4-4a44-9fea-13c24fddf487 with your PREF_UNIQUE_ID.

In the above example it will return 2329149245

This number you fill in in Juggluco Left menu->Settings->Libreview->Get Account ID after setting Manually.

The patched Libre3 app was used to activate the sensor

Use a new version of the patched Libre 3 app. The Account ID is shown after "Account ID" in the Juggluco screen. Use this in Juggluco Left menu->Settings->Libreview->Get Account ID after setting Manually.
